Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lemon Coconut Macaroons - A Nourishing Treat

My love for desserts and my passion for nutritious foods are equally matched.  Prior to learning my way around a kitchen, it didn't always dawn on me that I could have the best of both worlds. Desserts didn't always have to be unhealthy, and healthy foods didn't always have to be tasteless. When this "aha" moment hit me around 6 years ago, I decided to get to work. My mission was to create desserts that are not only healthy, but are actually good for you.  Nourishing Desserts was born!

At first it wasn't pretty.  It wasn't even that tasty.  After lots of experimentation, I figured out how to combine key ingredients together in such a way that desserts were moist and delicious. Desserts that I could actually eat for dinner if I wanted.  (just sayin........)

One of the things I learned was about sprouting.  Sprouting is essentially taking a food that is already packed full of nutrients, and multiplying its health value.  Items such as raw nuts and seeds are primed to be soaked.  For this particular recipe, it is not necessary to have the nuts reach complete sprouting stage, but soaking the nuts prior will have extreme health benefits for your digestion. Soaking breaks down enzyme inhibitors and aids in digestion.  It will break down the protein and starches to release the vitamins and minerals and make them more available for digestion.

According to About.com, sprouts are incredibly nutritious; especially for those on a raw food diet. Studies show remarkable levels of B Vitamins, as well as Vitamins C, E and A (up to 15 times the original content!). Some folks refer to sprouts as "pre-digested" food due to this breaking down process in the sprouting stage of life. This makes the sprouts far easier to digest than the original seed, bean, nut or grain. The heightened quantity of enzymes is another factor that aids in their digestion. Sprouts can be eaten at any meal to help the digestive process along and keep raw living nutrition pumping through your blood.

Lemon Coconut Macaroons

In my Seasonal Menu Plans, I feature a Nourishing Dessert each week.  This particular one I was going to save for the Nourishing Summer Menu (to be released on June 1st) but I couldn't wait, it's just that good!


  • 1 cup raw almonds (soaked overnight, drained, and rinsed is best)
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked overnight,drained and rinsed is best)
  • 3 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut butter
  • 3 Tablespoons raw, local honey
  • 1 lemon - its juice and its pulp
  • Unsweetened shredded coconut (enough to roll your macaroons)

Place all ingredients (with the exception of the unsweetened shredded coconut) in a food processor. When squeezing the lemon juice, ensure all seeds are removed.  Then take a spoon and scoop out as much pulp as you can and place in processor.   Blend well.  (You'll have to open the lid a few times and push down the mixture with a spatula).  When the mixture has formed the consistency of a dough, roll into macaroons.  (mixture will yield around 12-17 macaroons depending on how large you decide to make them).  When formed, roll the outsides of your macaroons in the shredded coconut (on a plate or bowl is best). Place in the freezer to set, around 20 minutes.  Then transfer to refrigerator where they should be stored until eaten.  Lasts up to 4 days refrigerated. 

Enjoy with a cup of tea, a sparkling summer beverage, or on its own.

Be well,


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